
Will County hosting virtual open house for transportation plan tonight

Will County hosting virtual open house for transportation plan tonight
Ryan Jeffries 1st Ward | Official Website

The event will run from 5-6 p.m.

The purpose of this open house is to discuss Will County's "Our Way Forward 2050: Long Range Transportation Plan."

According to the organizers, attendees are welcome to ask questions and provide input regarding all transportation issues, including walking, biking, transit, and driving. The plan aims to improve transportation with a focus on better safety and accessibility.

Attendees must register at the provided link: [Zoom Registration](https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrde-sqDwiGtAhjawLGTFJOcp3RsP28C8X?fbclid=IwY2xjawG9fv5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHeAnXBqyUL_QTGfSrezDlEqzNuN63iNije6_sAZuw6FOn2GEgDNSoUYU1g_aem_OHH7Jz_XauhKxhJ05P2Hbw#/registration).

The "Our Way Forward 2050: Long Range Transportation Plan" guides policies and investments, creating a framework that will last through 2050 and impact all of Will County. The latest findings and potential recommendations will be reviewed during the event.